Green Glass 2

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Expressionism, impressionism and constructionism

The colors of a image come to our eyes and invokes meanings through three main ways: visually (impressionism), emotionally (expressionism) and symbolically (constructionism).
Impressionism appears in mostly painting in 19th century. It has some particularly characteristics: brush strokes, light colors, open composition, unusual view angle and special emphasis on colors and lights. Some typical impressionisms are Monet, Renoir, Gustave Caillebotte, Frédéric Bazille, Mary Cassatt , Edgar Degas. These paintings are of Monet, Renoir and Degas respectively. You can see the characteristics of impressionism easily in these artworks:

All colors in these pictures are very bright with a open perspective. They combine to convey a mood, a feeling of the author. For example, in the third piece, we can feel the peace and love because we see the light green of grass and the girl and the child with white cloths and the sky.

Constructionism uses symbols to convoy meanings. Actually, it is a concept and a tendency in the field of philosophy. On the point of philosophy, constructionisms break everthing into parts and build up their structure. All things in the world are complicated constructed rather than simple shapes and meanings. In art, there are some artworks which demonstrate objects in form of shapes, lines..

This is the way impressionism convey their feelings in artworks.
Expressionism appears in 20th century. Artists in this field like to express their emotions by distorting reality. Very famous paintings are The Scream of Edvard Munch, On White II of Kadinsky, View of Toledo of El Greco...

Some other expressinism are Egon Schiele,Franz Marc, Rolf Nesch, Wassily Kandinsky,El Greco. In these pieces, as you can see, they lack of beauty and aesthetic and are very abstract. However, the colors, shapes and special the whole perspective bring to viewers "strong emotions with the drama and often horror of the scenes depicte". In other words, expressionisms want to demonstrate their emotions and themselves.


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