Green Glass 2

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I am looking at life through a green glass...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Music sound and visual elements

Music was a means for human to express their feelings thousands years ago. They also tried to illustrate, simulate, interprete and present music and sound in the visual form because it is not enough for them to only listen to music and sound. They want to use color or picture to increase the feeling which they hear in music or sound because visual elements do this job very well. For example, the color red will represent the anger while the color blue represent the peace. However, this form of representation is only the floating surface of visual sound/music. The real artists will not only simply simulate a song but also use visual elements and sound to creat their own music and their own feelings. Many artists have used their idiom and feelings through mostly painting to illustrate music. Here are some examples of this form of illustration:

According to Paul Friedlander, there are three main kinds of visual sound/music illustration.
First kind: the artist simply simulate the music with images, colors, visual elements... It a little bit looks like visuallization of equalizer.
Second kind: artists and designers have to get involved to the music or sound, feel and understand the music and then use visual elements to illustrate the music.
Third kind: artists and designers use their own feelings and their own created visual elements to create the music/sound and its meaning. This is also the favourite form which is used by most artists and designers.

Today, creating the visual sound becomes easier by the support of the computer. As we have seen in class, Mr Rich has once shown us the clip of visual music. As I remember, this is the illustration of an orchestra. I also have found some interesting examples of visual sound/music:


  • This topic is very interesting. This is the way we express our feeling of sound using visual images. Whenever I saw this kind of visual sound, I also feel the music is much better.This kind of visual sound also enhance my feeling through sound and images Nice topic. I will check the website you provided to find more information.

    By Blogger Bui Thi Hang Nga - s3146313, at 6:11 PM  

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