Green Glass 2

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I am looking at life through a green glass...

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Rendezvous 2 event

We have had chance to attend SOC (Saigon Open City), an important event in contemporary art in Vietnam. Now we also have chance to get used to contemporary and digital art through Rendezvous. It is an event organized by Wonderful District. This event is to promote contemporary art activities in Vietnam and to raise the Vietnamese people's awarness of digital culture. In my opinion, such events are very neccessary for Vietnamese people to make them know more about contemporary art and digital culture. This event is anually held in Ho Chi Minh city.
The first Rendezous event was held in 2005 at three locations in HCMC: the Fine Art Museum of HCMC, the Blue Space Gallery and Galerie Quynh. This year, the event will be held with more activities in 4 days with the participation of many international artists (Mr Rich is one of them). The organization board estimates that more than 2500 people are expected to attend this event. This event includes many kinds of contemporary and digital art such as: video and sound installations, animations, video art compilations and graphic works. It open the opportunity for experimental arts and artists. I think you have known about experimetal art in Vietnam and RMIT through the play "Nhin" by Phan Y Ly or the development of DJ activities in big cities. It is digital culture.
The word "OXYGEN" was chosen to represent Rendezvous this year because it is the name of a electronic instrument (MIDI sound) which is used by electronic musicians. It is considered as the connection of many other art works.
I think we should take some time to learn some things from this event, although I know this time is the busiest time in the semester. I have received the Rendezvous documentation and graphic design competition from Design club. Anyone of you want to find more about this or attend the competition can contact me.


  • can you tell me more about this event? I find it interesting.^^

    By Blogger Bui Thi Hang Nga - s3146313, at 4:05 PM  

  • nice, sound look attractive. I will find more information in order to understand more about contemporary art. At the first time, i thought this art is quite crazy and unusual, however, after contact with some masterpiece and hear some explanation, i change my mind, i will have to find interesting points of this art

    By Blogger [Dclan] Dojo, at 5:56 AM  

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