Green Glass 2

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I am looking at life through a green glass...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Vietnam photographs

I have a special interest in taking photograph. Photograph is more than a tool for recording life but it is also the tool for releasing our feelings. When feel sad or happy, your photos will reflect that. A picture of sunset will reflect the sad mood while a picture of rainbow may reflect a happy mood. This is a fact that can be realized easily. Actually, suddenly taken photos often bring the best effects. I were travelling around webs and go to one of my favourite sites about photography. Here I have found some images which look good and even remind me of some feelings I have had in the past.

This is the photo of Huynh Phuc Hau. The color of this photo is really attractive. The yellow tone dominates the whole photo and make it vibrant. The line of bicycles converges into a far point so it makes the picture not become boring. The sun is unintentionally put into the rule of third and it also creates balance for the photo. As I have said, arbitrary photos are the best.

In this photo named , author "longpt" has must been travelling and observing for a long time to find the special shape of these palm trees. I have to say that his effort is worth. This shape not only attract the viewer's attention but also make the photo more balance. The author said that he has used filter lens to make the BW picture more contrast.

This is the photo named "A market corner by night" by longpt. This picture has a very special light and theme to me. It reminds me of some feelings which I believe some of you may be also have.The cool light of the street lamp. The shadows under houses and particularly the quiet atmosphere. All of them are special (except a boy sitting on pavement!!) .

This picture named "Before seeding time" made by many lines. A man in the third part of the photo contribute to make the photo lively and not boring. The most impressive factors are surely the green lines which form some problematical shapes.

The last one is a nude photo posted by JoeBlack. The pose of the model is really special. In addtion, the skew position also make the photo more attractive.


  • Well I really like the last two. These are very impress. In the "Before seeding time" I think that the sence is very beauty. My first feeling for it is "this must be in the really nice day" with the very clear sky and shadow. The man with the red t-shirt seemed to be the center of the photo. It is impressive. In the last photo, the way of lightning give the photo the balance and stable view thought it has a skew angle.

    By Blogger Le Nguyen Linh Vu, at 4:29 PM  

  • really nice,taking photograph attracted me when i was a kid, do you believe, when taking a picture, i always consider the time which is most comfortable in order to have pictures that have "soul"

    By Blogger [Dclan] Dojo, at 6:00 AM  

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